Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Added on 6/14...trying to see if I can get this to work from "Nike+"

I was thinking during my run today, just how thankful I am that I've been able to run consistently for 6 weeks now and how far I've come in that time.

Today I ran a "tempo run". For my friends who don't know what that is, it just means that for either a set distance or a set time you run a pre-determined pace that is faster than your normal training pace.

I warmed up for 2 miles, then ran a 2 mile tempo at 6-flat pace, then ran a 2 mile cooldown. A few years back and that would have been nothing I'd have been excited about. After the last 2 years of injuries though, this was a real nice step for me.

What's even better is, regardless of my times, I'm just so thankful to be running at all. Praise and thanks to God for His blessings!

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