Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Two posts so scroll down for more...

Scenes from the Sunriver North Pool this past week. Lots of laughing and lots of "Again!".

Sarah, "Oma" and I took the kids to the pool on a nice sunny day without cameras. Ethan had so much fun we knew we had to come back for pictures. So the next day, despite cooler temps we braved the outdoor pool and, well, see for yourself!

I like the next one...kind of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "Matrix"


Peaby said...

good set of pics! I like the matrix one...he looks as though he's about to kick you in the face...Trinity style. Also, he's missing a leg in the next one :-)

sarah said...

I love blowing up the pictures and looking at his huge grin. Also, nice muscles sweetie =)!

Brazenlilly said...

Awesome! MY favorite is the last one. It looks very synchronized swimming-esque with his scissor legs. How FUN!