Friday, September 05, 2008

Remind me Lord

I get so busy and focused at work. It's good to be reminded of God's presence. Today I'm beginning a review of over 300 pages of internal documents for the big project I've been hired on.

It's a kind of "buck stops here" effort since I am the business lead for this content. Since other folks put together the 300+ pages I am now reviewing to ensure the content is correct and up to the right level of quality.

Since I'm bunkered down reading, I put on the ipod and wanted mellow music so I put on my worship mix. I rarely listen to music at work and as the songs are playing I find myself remembering whose hands hold me even when I forget and focus my energies somewhere else.

May I remember more often! Here's a sampling of the last couple songs that reminded me...

SeeqPod - Playable Search

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Eric!

I do not keep up in the "blog world" nearly as much as I... should... I loved seeing pictures of the little ones! And I wanted to thank you for posting a picture of Abigail and I on one of your posts... That touched me and made me feel very honored.
I send so much love to all of you-- and a hug and kiss to Ethan and Abigail... love, cousin ana