Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Does this mean it's working?

The continuing (mini)saga of my bum left leg.

I had a great hike/run on Sunday with Jim. We went up Table Mtn on the Washington side of the Gorge. We ran about half and hiked (though at a good clip) about half. Needless to say, I am sore today.

Not sure if it was being hopped up on Naproxen (generic Aleve) or if it was the method of alternating walking and running, but my leg did pretty well. I don't mind the dull ache of soreness, it's the accute pain I have to watch out for when I run.

In the meantime, I read in the latest edition of Trail Runner magazine about the benefits of several supplements. You've likely heard of anti-oxidants which fight anything from arthritis to cancer (no sarcasm here.) They "eat" free radicals, which as I recall from my Organic Chem days are cells with an unpaired electron. The cell then keeps grabbing electrons and making a lot of other cells unstable. Bottom line: Tissue damage.

I read about a couple other supplements as well which help with tissue regeneration and joint lubrication. All this to say, Sarah good-naturedly helped me find several supplements yesterday so I could try one more thing in the battle to get my leg to heal.

One of those supplements is fish oil. Can I just say burping up the taste of fish bait all morning has not been fun! I don't like "fishy" taste to begin with, so this has been doubly disturbing for me. I just hope my fish-burps mean the supplements are working!

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