(before you see lots of words and click away, note the end of the post. You can skip to after the equal signs below if you don't want to read)
Music is something that speaks to us all. It's wonderful how God created music to touch us, speak for us, speak to us, and move us. We can celebrate with it, cry with it, laugh with it, praise God with it, contemplate and share.
I've always believed music has power which is exactly why Satan, the father of counterfeit, so often imbues it with a negative message, and why I am strict about what I'll listen to. By no means does that mean I only listen to "Christian music" because, as mentioned, God created music and gave us creativity. However I take the Bible seriously when it says to judge something by its fruit. If the fruit of a song or artist is anger, rage, depression, jealousy, or a tearing down of fellow children of God then it's not getting in my ears. Music ministers to our inner spirit, thus I view music as ministry and refuse to let my money go to support a negative ministry. Instead I look for music that lifts me up or inspires me.
Anyway, I've tried to get away from preaching in this space, so I'll stop there.
The point of this post is that I've found something fun to share with friends and family who frequent this space. It's something called "seeqpod". You can host music on your blog with it. (By the way...I wholly disapprove of stealing intellectual property and as far as I can tell this site is completely legal. If I find a song on it I like, I will purchase it.)
These days a song that I have been enjoying is called "Beautiful World" by Colin Hay. There are some lyrics in it I don't agree with but the spirit or fruit of this song for me is one of thankfulness for the simple things in life. I often turn it on in the car after a hard day of work (most days for me lately) and think about how work is not very important. I think about a hug from my son, a kiss from my wife, a giggle from my daughter. It's a beautiful world and I'm thankful for the many graces of God.
Enjoy! (and here's hoping I did this right)